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Credence Christian Coaching

Walk by faith...


About Me

Follower of Christ. Lover of people.

After spending 30 years raising a family and running a business, God saw fit to allow me to do what I love most: help others as they seek to honor and follow Christ in the everyday decisions and relationships of life.  My heart is to help you go from where you are to where He wants you to be.  I am guided by my love for Christ, the power of His Spirit, and the authority of His Word.  We were never meant to walk this road alone.  Let's take the next step together.

Life Coaching with a Side of Mentoring

Discovering your true identity

Who is God, really?  Who does He say you are?  We live much of our lives under a false identity.  We believe lies and half-truths about God and about ourselves.  We wear labels we were never meant to wear.  And we build our identity on fragile foundations and faulty opinions.  The result is often broken relationships, broken dreams, and broken hearts.  Discovering your true identity in Christ will liberate you to live in the freedom only He can provide.  Let's get started.

Personal Coaching

Much of our journey through life, kids, marriage, work, and even ministry can become muddled and confusing; sometimes even discouraging.  The Lord has created you uniquely and offered you a part in His story, which brings about your good and His glory.  We often need a helping hand along the way.  Whether it be your marriage, your job, or your hopes and dreams, let's figure out the way forward by focusing on the vision and relying on His power to get there.

Helping Hand
Coffee Shop Owner

Career Coaching

Most of us want to be working in a job or career that uses the gifts and talents God has given us. Sometimes we get caught up in what's good, and never get to what's best.  Discovering how God has beautifully equipped you not only for your current position but also for what He is preparing you for, is an incredible journey.  I'd love to walk together as you discover His next steps for your life.

Relationship Coaching 

Relationships are challenging, because humans are challenging.  We often experience some of the highest highs and lowest lows in the significant relationships in our lives.  Sometimes, figuring out what's not working and why, can be discouraging and overwhelming.  But remember, God is the author of relationships.  Unified, covenant, life-giving relationships.  Wouldn't it be nice to learn from the Master and watch Him transform our relationships as only He can?

Couple on a Walk

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Snowy Mountain Sunset

"Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own.  Listen to God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track."  Proverbs 3:5-6  The MSG

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